Monday, December 14, 2009
For You, My Dad & King (:
Well, I'll be leaving in 2 days from this beautiful beautiful place and it is with such a heavy heart that I have to leave. Don't get me wrong, I am too happy to go home to my friends and family but yet knowing that I have to leave the friends, who really became family, here is just too hard! Yesterday, one of the young people from our Tetum church was about to leave and he came up to me and said with all sincerity, "For us, we have nothing much to give to you, only to keep you in prayer that God will bless you." Seriously I nearly died right there, I could have burst out crying! So much has happened this week, it was such a rough time but God really is so good. And I don't say that lightly, but really I look back and so much has happened.
Tears, joy, laughter, pain - but I am so thankful that I have a God that never changes and He always stays the same (: What would I do without Him! So this last post is for my Father in Heaven, the one who never leaves me nor forsakes me and never fails me (: I cannot ask for anyone better and really, I'll live for all my days, to put a smile on Your face (:
I love You! (:
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tough times, but rejoicing always!
So just a couple of days ago I prayed for one of my contacts because she said she was sick. I just told her, believe that Jesus will heal you because only He has the power to heal and that He will hear our prayers (: So I prayed for her and left it as that, then 2 days later I met her and asked her how is she feeling. She just simply told me, "If you have Jesus, you will be healed very quickly." and that she was feeling all better already! And today she sent in an application to World Vision (a CHRISTIAN organization heh) for a job! (: I thank God because I believe God is slowly working in her life and one day she will be crazy about Jesus too! (:
Another family that has so kindly opened their home for me to come into in Lahane is really God-given too (: They are EXTREMELY opened to me being a Protestant although they are actively involved in the Catholic Church (there has been problems with the Protestants and Catholics, bad baaddd :( ) and whenever I go to their place, they serve me so much food and drinks!! Okay, that is a good sign to me not because I'm hungry but because that shows me they are willing to GIVE TO ME (: Not just because I'm a Malai (that's foreigner in Tetum) that they can get something out of me instead! Plus I have given them a Bahasa Indonesian bible and really praying for a connect group to start in that house! (: The husband and wife were both in Indonesia and were exposed to Protestants and have good impressions of them (: So please continue to pray with me that a connect group can start there before I leave! (: I really believe in them!!
Anyways, 2 months more and I'm home!! (: Missing home so much recently! But God is so faithful and so good teaching me so many things and opening my heart to love so much more (: God knows the tears I've shed and all the laughters too. Through the tough times and the happy ones, God is just so good. Learning to be faithful in Him even when things are difficult!
I'm sorry guys but pictures will not be posted as much because I lost my camera :( Extremely bummed out about it because it was kinda new and I can't believe my carelessless seriously. But somehow I really believe God will work this situation out, He knows exactly where my camera is right now and He can bring it back to me I'm sure! So guys, please pray with me :( Seriously so sad about it :( But still praying and believing! (:
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Monday, October 5, 2009
I have half a toe nail!!
The really nice Cuban doctor really pulling out my toe nail there with all his might and strength!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Somemore pictures!!
This is Akoko, she eats SO MUCH! I've started cooking sessions with a lady in Lahane and these kids are always hungry so they come and sit with us too (: This girl is only 5 but she eats like a 12 year old! She finished the whole bowl of rice!!
Saula the famous All Blacks rugby player in action!!
Dinner at EarliSun with Pastor Tony and his team and Pastor Sam and his team (:
A little protest I witnessed outside the hotel lobby at Hotel Timor on Referendum Day! We had many delegates from countries all over the world come to celebrate it that stayed at that hotel so I guess that is why they decided to hold the protest then haha it was very exciting!!
Went to a museum that talked about the history of Timor-Leste, it was very interesting! A little bit small and couldnt understand most of it that was in Portuguese but I read the entire English timeline and it was very interesting!!
This is Martha on the left and Zelia on the right. I met Zelia first at the university one day while waiting for another contact. She was tending her pushcart stall and I decided to talk to her and so every since then, I would meet her at her pushcart whenever I can to teach her English and we've started on discipling too!! Oh, please pray for her because I want to believe to send her to Leader's Training end month! But I'm afraid her uncle might not allow because we're Protestants. So do pray!!
These are my fav kids in Lahane (: They would pull white hair out for me, carry my belongings EVERYWHERE and walk me to take the taxi, sweet kids (:
[From Left] Amelie, Maria Corenti, Annisa and Akoko
Inside Kafe Aroma (:
Kafe Aroma - Our new favorite place for the drinks, cake and ambience! (: It's really beautiful!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Knock Knock Knock!
In many ways, have I seen how God is moulding me and it's been a really bumpy journey I must say but God is still so good. I still have to praise the Lord for His goodness! (: But I have to admit that at many times I would rather have Him give up on me because the process is too difficult for me to bear. It is not just a very painful process, but it is a very lonely one too. Sometimes it's long, sometimes it's so quick! But that's the only way to go if you want God to make you into such a beautiful masterpiece (: And sometimes we tell God, "God, hang on! Don't knock that out! Are you sure that that is an area that you want to remove?" and try to take control over His refining process. It takes alot of knocking here and there to remove rough edges but it's all just part of the preparation process for the greater things He has in store for the future! So if you are in that process right now, hang in there!! There is "rich fufillment" [From NKJV version - Psalm 66: 12] that will come your way at the end of it! (:
"He trained us first,
passed us like silver through refining fires,
Brought us into hardscrabble country,
pushed us to our very limit,
Road-tested us inside and out,
took us to hell and back;
Finally he brought us
to this well-watered place."
Psalm 66: 10 - 12 [Message Bible]
Got to check this out people, you'll love it (: Take some time to look at it:
God's Chisel -
[No pictures on this one YET, takes too long to upload!!]
And pray for me because I have to declare my major at school by 30th Oct!!
In His great love,
Gladys (:
Monday, August 31, 2009
In His Great Love..
Can you believe it, I've been in Timor nearly 7 months now!! It's amazing how everything is playing out and I've got more pictures this time so you can enjoy them!! (: God is doing much in the lives of MANY and indeed, nothing we do has no impact! I'm sure it's touching someone's life in some way!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Fungust August!
We started August amazing with a Dili Youth Rally where Jeremy spoke at and had the song "I Believe" translated to Tetum just 15MINUTES before the service started to sing. It was really awesome and Ps Jeremy Seaward spoke about reaching the youths in Timor. We invited youths from all the Dili churches and we had an AMAZING AMAZING time there! God really moved in the youths and that was the service that I felt like it was the closest to our Edge services since I got here (: Jeremy and Saula even had a dance off which was probably the FUNNIEST thing I have EVER seen! [Anyone who wants to see the video can ask me privately buy I might be forever condemned because IT WAS SO FUNNY and they are very embarrassed!] Anyways, I think alot of the youths never attended a service like that and felt touched by God like that (: We have so so so many youths in Dili, if we can activate each and every single one of them, you can really imagine the impact it will have on Dili for Jesus!! (:
Update on the works here!! Well, the place that we are working on in Lahane I can really see how God is moving in that community. Like how they've really accepted us into their homes and made us part of them (: Just last Saturday, one of the families had a funeral. Someone's wife had a miscarriage and lost their twins. They invited us into the house to see the babies [which they displayed on a table in house which I was quite taken aback by] and to eat and talk. It really was such a gesture that made me feel like they've accepted us as part of them to invite us to events that mean very much to them. Also, I've started discipling another girl called Martina whom I happened to meet on the same day and asked her if she would like me to disciple her. She immediately said okay and just last thursday we had our first discipling session and she accepted Christ! :D WOW :D For her I can really see that she really wants to learn more about the Word of God and she is excited about the things of Jesus!! :D So i'm really praying for her and please pray with me because I really believe she might be one of the leaders we are going to see being raised up! (:
Also, last Sunday I held my first connect group in that same village and I invited 3 of my students to come. Only 1 showed up but because I was playing on my guitar, a whole bunch of other kids came to join us too. So there was about 15 people in total, Praise God! I taught them a song that one of the missionaries wrote here in Tetum and my word, they loved it and caught on to it SO quickly! And when they started singing, I kid you not, that i felt such a strong and calming Presence of the Lord in that room that I couldn't wipe off the smile on my face (: It was such a beautiful presence (: And I managed to share abit on the Bible too and it was so well received I couldnt ask for a better 1st connect group! But I believe because the work is getting on so well, the Devil will be looking for ways to destroy it! It has not been an easy week for me to be honest in many ways and even for me, dreams have been extremely frightful. Joanna was just telling me that 2 nights ago she woke up finding me talking in my sleep and saying "I'm very scared..." over and over again. She got quite a shock and it scared me too just knowing that. Also, that place that I used to hold the connect group now they used to let some guy live in it so I couldnt use the room. That is not a good thing because the other alternatives are in the open outside the house of a man who is a strong Catholic and has a very influential role in the Catholic church. And I'm not about to antagonize him as yet because recently the government has been very strict about clamping down on people and NGOs and use the guise of social works to preach the gospel. So we just need to be wise on these things! So please please keep us in prayer!! :D It would be very much appreciated :D
So, I miss you guys still very much. God is really teaching me so much here that makes it really challenging sometimes that I miss home so much :( But at the same time, I love what's happening here and am very excited to see what God is doing here (: Miss and love you guys much! Till the next update! :D
Monday, July 20, 2009
I want to be like David!
These couple of weeks we’ve also went up to a village in Los Palos called Luro where the Hawaiian team from First Assemblies of God have been living for a year over or so. They had a short-term youth team that came so we went up for a time of fellowship. Living there is completely different from living here in Dili! First of all, the weather is COLD :D I love it! And of the nights we walked to this big field to see the stars (: And the stars just completely covered the night sky, twinkling gently and almost softly, and then I saw a shooting star! (: It was such a beautiful night and we sang songs under the stars! (I would have sprawled on the ground if I could see what was on the ground haha) Also, the kids in the village are so friendly and so curious to find out everything about you! In the early mornings, we would devotions with the rest and we would all just gather in the living room worshipping, sharing and praying. The kids would just stand by the door, watching us (: The team there is doing an amazing job! Extending the Kingdom of God right here in Timor (: Very encouraging to see the work they have been doing!
It’s been awhile since we’ve started classes at Lahane and we have been praying for contacts to come out of the classes. We talk about the Bible and about Jesus in class already and so far it’s been very well received (: Really thank God for that! And yesterday in service, I really felt impressed to ask one of the girls in my class if I can teach her the Bible so then after that I went and asked her. She was really excited and happy! She said she would love to! (: I was extremely happy, and even more so when she told me that she is now also attending classes at World Vision! God is just putting her in places where she will be able to know Him, beautiful orchestrated by God (: So this Saturday, I am going to start with our VFC Discipling Foundations Notes and start teaching her the Word of God. God’s Word has power that I believe one day will open her eyes to see the truth and accept Jesus into her heart. Really would ask that you guys pray with me about her, that God will continue to open her heart and eyes to see the truth and that there will not be opposition. Her name is Laurentina and she is the same age as me (: There is also another girl that I have yet to ask and her name is Ime, please also pray with me for her salvation (: Oh guys, I really wish I could show you pictures, maybe another time I’ll just add them on here so check back (:
God has really been challenging me with the life of David and through this book called "In the Meantime" by Rob Brendle. It talks about why God liked David so much and how he waited to develop into his calling. And it talks about the reason why God liked David so much, because - "day after day, year after year, tirelessly, reliably, relentlessly, David sought the presence of the Lord." WOW, I LOVE THAT! (: It was like David was so seriously hungry for ANYTHING God all the time! Other young men were probably out horse racing, or seeing who could herd their sheeps the fastest or checking out the girls in the next pasture but not David, David was insane about God! Constantly hungering and longing for His presence, WOW :D I want people to speak about my life like, " Oh Gladys! I know her because she just cannot seem to pry herself away from seeking the presence of God or just being in His presence!" :D
My prayer is that you would seek God out the way David did, that insanity of craving for God 24/7 :D Only in that will you find real joy, peace and contentment for your life (: Really, you won't regret, look where David landed up :D
Love you guys and miss all of you so much (:
Monday, June 22, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
My word, 3 months just flew past so quickly! Sorry I’ve not had a chance much to update because I don’t really get a lot of time on the Internet and my blogger was down for a long time here. I'm now at a $1/hr Internet Cafe so i'm so happy!! HEE :D So updates! Now our territory has expanded to not just Lahane (where the church is planned to be planted at) and Maubara, but it’s to the youths in Dili too! (: It’s exciting, as we’ve already entered the universities here planning to start English Corners to help the students improve their command of the language and for us to interact with them. In Lahane, English classes for all ages will be commencing very soon! What’s cool is that we are helping set up chicken coops for families in Maubara to start with! (: Pictures soon! Okay, only the boys are helping to build ha. I also teach this lady called Magarita and her sister English there. Magarita is one of the leaders of a small church there so being able to teach her how to say “Jezuz hadomi hau”(Jesus loves me) and to sing “Hau Hadomi Nai” (I Love You Lord) in English has been really awesome! [I'll upload the pictures another time!] Here are some others of the kids at the Lahane Kindergarten! -

I know I looked like I kidnapped him to take the picture with me, but I didn’t! Haha, I drew his face!! Maybe he didn’t like it :(
This is Lufia, it was face painting day! (: Beautiful girl (:
Rodrigo & Nilton coloring! They are the cutest!! (:
Super excited to see what’s going to take place in the months to come because I seriously believe there is going to be a shift in the spiritual atmosphere here. In 6 months, I truly believe Timor will be transformed by the love of God in a way we have not seen in the years before! (:
Furthermore, one of the Brazilian pastors here will be kicking off crusades in all the districts our VFC missionaries in Timor. IMAGINE THAT!! That is just revolutionary for VFC works here because I think there has been a lot of hesitation in speaking out about Jesus due to the perceived religious sensitivity. Sometimes even fear of what may happen if we move from hiding behind the NGO cover to coming out as people of Jesus Christ spreading the gospel. Of course, we still have to be wise because Catholicism is very strong here. But with these crusades that will take place all over Timor, things are definitely going to change! The name of Jesus will be heard in every corner of Timor as it should be and we will see a breakthrough in our VFC works here! (: It is an exciting time to be in in Timor!! So please keep us in your prayers as persecution is inevitable but beyond that, we want to see multitudes of souls entering the Kingdom! (:
You guys who’ve known me for long would know my utmost desire to be sent into the mission field since a thousand years ago heh. And when I finally got a “Go!” from God and my family, my mind almost couldn’t comprehend the reality of it happening! Those even closer to me would know how I really struggled the first month here spiritually, emotionally and even physically. I kept thinking, “God, ARE YOU SURE YOU SENT ME HERE?? Are you sure I’ve been called to the mission field? Because I’m not feeling the way I thought I would be in the first country I’ve been sent to!” But of course, silly me! God is NEVER wrong! However, that didn’t take away the immense difficulty that I struggled with the first month here. All I thought of was going home. But now, I see God’s hand upon my life and how victoriously He brought me out of that terrible time. Today, I feel like I’ve been living here for YEARS and I’m getting so accustomed to being in Timor (: I love every moment of it! I just think about how amazing it is that I AM A MISSIONARY. I can actually say that now! It’s something that you’ve waited basically all your life for and when you finally do it, it’s really quite insane. Now that I’m on the ground, I see first hand God’s heart for the nations. Especially God’s heart for Timor Leste and her people! I’m so grateful to be a part of God’s plan for this nation! I think what excites me more is that I know it’s just the beginning of the things to come in my life (: I’ll be 21 in November and there truly is no other better way to spend my 21st year given to the Lord in His will, doing something I’ve dreamt of for a long time (: WOW, I am just in awe of how God orchestrated the whole chain of events to this day (: Just yesterday, we were at Bethany Church in Dili for Timor's Global Day of Prayer. Yes, Timor also has GDOP! (: And at one point they called out all the Pastors and Missionaries to come forward and hold hands in a circle. There was a whole bunch of people who walked down and formed the circle. It was amazing as we started interceding for the nation and I just felt such a strong presence of God there (: Truly, this is a year of change for Timor spiritually, I know it! You can just feel it in the atmosphere you know (: And even as I was looking across the circle, I looked like I was the youngest standing there and I was so overwhelmed. God used me. ME!! I won't deny that being so young sometimes makes me feel a little less adequate but standing there, I was just so amazed that God used me for the furtherance of His kingdom here in Timor!! God is so faithful and God is truly so good, there is no other God that I would rather serve! [More pictures next time!!]
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
God has been so good and so merciful to me (: Admittedly, it was the most difficult having to come here the first 2-3 weeks. Really missed my family and just everything back home SO MUCH. It was a huge culture shock for me in many ways - slept with only the fan, used buckets to scoop from a tank to bathe and no flushing system. Ha, yes it does sound like a typical Singaporean complaining in a 3rd world nation. But these were real challenges I faced, on top of the EXTREME heat. Plus, I got sick in the second week which completely did not help AT ALL :( Thought I had malaria or sth which kinda scared me and made me wish I was at home.
BUT, we do serve a faithful and merciful God (: Really could have carried my bad perspective of wishing to come home constantly but God pulled me right of it. I still miss home, church, ministry, the food and SO MUCH MORE! But I starting to love Timor and getting used to living in Timor, it does feel like home alot more now! Thank you for all your love and prayers (: You have no idea how much I think of you guys back home and just being in the company of you guys (: MISS YOU ALL MUCH!
Alot ALOT has happened since I've came here! I've met the most amazing people who have selflessly given their lives to the mission field from Brazil to Hawaii to Singaporeans (of course) to TONGA (saula :p) to Korea to even the local Timorese! Been greatly encouraged by how they've given their lives in such a manner to the Lord and the passion they have! Sometimes I think wow, being in the mission field is crazy, but the things they do here for the Lord is EVEN crazier! Really been so blessed to have met them (will put pictures up when I can (: )
As a team, we will be planting a church right here in Dili in a subdistrict called Lahane where we already have a kindergarten (: Honestly, it's scary but I believe if the Lord has called us here for such a time as this, He will allow His work to be accomplished here. Missions is really a whole new level to what I used to do in Singapore, but through that, my faith and my trust in the Lord has really been tested. And I thank God for that! I am really excited to see what God is going to do more in the months to come :D
Sorry guys, had to rush this out abit cos I have to leave already! Will keep trying to blog more!
You guys are in my prayers and i miss you guys so much!! :D
In His phenomenal love,
Gladys (:
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wow, it's crazy when you consider how in just a day's time my life would completely be changed. It's not a 5D4N camp where I can come home if I didn't enjoy myself, that at least I would go home soon. 10 months! New bed, new home, new family, new church, new life but same God (: It is scary to think how I will be leaving all these behind for 10 months and yet this excitement I have that I cannot explain or express is bubbling in me! It's like this sadness and nervousness of taking this step of faith but knowing for sure in your heart that this is one step that I will never EVER regret. I want to know God like never before and I know during this 10 months, it'll be just me and God really. He'll comfort me in times of need and when I start to miss home and everything back here, He'll be the one to embrace me and give me strength and focus to press on (: Or when I start to get discouraged and question what in the world am I doing here, God will be my loudest cheerleader!
Will I miss home? Yup I will. But I am so honored and privileged to know that I can partner with God in this wonderful plan He has for the land of Timor Leste. To be able to just play my little role in His grand scheme of things. Sometimes God calls us to things so much bigger than ourselves, it can be ending a wrong relationship that you thought you will never make it out of, or a call on your life that you cannot imagine being fufilled through you or even just being a net leader this year! But when God calls, be sure that He will be faithful and give you sufficient grace to see you make it and come out victorious! He uses all those weaknesses and turns them around for His glory! When He works, He doesn't need our help! But what an honor that He would want us, these little dumb things that constantly disappoint him, to partner with Him. Sounds so funny, but knowing Jesus has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm not saying this lightly because I've KNOWN OF Jesus for coming 21 years but really known Him personally only when I was 14. The changes He has done in my life and where I am today is solely because of the continuing work that Jesus is doing in my life. Surrender is the toughest thing to do but once you allow God to take full control of your life, it'll be a life surely worth living!
Haha sorry I talk too much sometimes when I get carried away! Go crazy for Jesus and watch what happens! (:
Monday, February 16, 2009
God's heart for missions
On friday, our teams got an opportunity to see the fruit of VFC's heart for missions in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The church there was set up in 1980 and now has a congregation of 3000 people! We were there to visit the social works that the church started there, 32 in total. They are fully supported by the government which is rare for a church because it is a muslim dominated country. But the government has acknowledged that the homes and rehab centres they set up works and have such a high success rate that now, even the government is behind them! (: If God is with you, who can be against you!
That was what VFC used to be called in the old days!
While waiting for the pastor to come back we went for Prata!
[left] Yuan Yee looking happy!
[right] Pei pei really wanted a picture like this to show how she does not have a body or something like that, it was quite hilarious :D
Picture of the ladies who are in their 30s! HAHA okay if they see this I am doomed.
The JB Church:
All the vans we saw that was owned by them had these words like, "Jesus is Lord", or for those that we used by the homes had, "Jesus is Hope". Pretty cool (:
On the way to the first home, we drove past a really cool home with this driveway! Wasnt fast enough to catch the house itself but it was NICEEE. Very Orange County-ish.
The first home that we stopped at was a Drug Rehabilitation Centre. Outside they had these signs!
[left] The name of the centre - Calvary Care Centre. Was really proud of being from our church seeing the name of our church everywhere! (:
[right] Chinese for "Jesus Loves You" (: He really does! (:
This room I THINK, means Prayer Room, I THINK. It's for those who just entered, they'll be put there to pray, separated from the rest until they are ready to live with the rest of them. Inside there, the chinese words are a verse i think :D
Two extremely beautiful puppies on the compound!
The guy in blue is Bro Raymond from the R3/4 team to Remexio. The other guy in brown beside him is one of the head supervisors of the place. This place takes in addicts and also mentally unstable individuals. This guy in brown used to be from this centre as an addict, but through the transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ, he was completely set free from his addiction and came back to the centre to serve those who are still working their way there (: His testimony will surely encourage those in the centre that there is hope for them too! On one of the walls right at the front of the centre, it says "Nothing is impossible for Jesus". How powerful for each of them to know that there is hope! They learn and memorize verses everyday because the supervisors can stop them anytime along their way to test them. The Word of God is life for these people and they believe that if they can continue memorizing it that one day this very Word will become so embedded in their hearts and mind and be the key to transforming them!
Combined home - A stretch of houses for the elderly, the adults and the children of every need:
This guy serves at the combined home, heading it if I'm not wrong. He also used to be living in this home but all Glory to God who changed him and now he is married and back here to serve those who are still struggling (:
Looking at this granny makes me sad already :( She is the oldest female in the home, 95 years of age. She was spreading kaya on the bread when I walked in and I smiled at her, said Hi and shook her hand. To my surprise, she speaks fluent English! She told me she was Eurasian and she started talking about her life (: Very sweet lady who is so grateful for what the home has provided her (: When I had to leave, she was like "SO SOON?". I mean I'm not very good with old people but I think for her to have someone talk to her and spend time with her meant alot to her already (: So I just had to say bye with a smile and ran off quickly :( Jesus take care of her from the top of her head to the toes on her feet! May she be able to stand up and praise You! (:
Kids who were preparing for school (: The little indian girl beside me probably couldnt understand 99% of what I was saying but she kept smiling at me whenever I said anything! She's a little shy here (:
Pei Zhen (: This extremely intelligent young lady lives at the home with her aunty. Her birth mum had triplets and she was the oldest, but her birth mother didn't want her. So her aunty took her in and now she's inseperable with her! The aunty lives in the home and loves Pei Zhen like her own, I'm thinking she'll eventually adopt her! (:
The boys there do this curriculum called the Alpha & Omega. It is one where they learn their subjects and also bible lessons at the same time (: So they get free education and education on the Word of God too! (:
In another classroom, they were very fascinated by the camera. Kept wanting to take pictures! Jesus loves the little children!!
The couple who takes care of a boys home somewhere else, very selfless, all for the furtherance of God's Kingdom! (:
It was there that I'm like people need to see this to see where their Missions Faith Pledge money is going! Because of their giving, the JB church was started and through them all these lives were touched! (: God's heart is to see the nations of the world touched by His love, through His people. How will they know if nobody tells them! We had the opportunity to speak to Ps Shane Comiskey and he shared with us something that really changed my perspective of missions. He shared about how when his wife and himself were in Uganda, they had a translator who were with them the whole time. The couple was there to check on the churches there and the translator wanted them to go to his village to tell his village about Jesus. So Ps Shane agreed and the translator warned them about how his brother was quite anti-christian so he may be a little hostile. They accepted that and just went in, so halfway while Ps Shane is sharing the gospel, this brother of his broke down and started crying! WOW, he asked "What took you and christians so long to tell me the truth?" because Ps Shane told him he has been a christian for then, 20 years and this brother wanted to know why he kept the truth for 20 long years without telling others about it! WOW, missions is not just a programme or something that VFC pushes you into doing, it is really an expression of passing on this freedom of knowing the TRUTH about Jesus Christ! That is why we need to go and tell others, whether in school, your family, at work or out of the country! Not because we need to make numbers for our cell groups or the church, but because they NEED to hear it! (: How can we keep it to ourselves!
What I've learnt even from the short trip to JB was the reality of the transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ to affect lives and completely turn them around (: You dont need to be someone big with a name to yourself to make a difference! Many of those who serve, you might never know who they are, but to those whose lives have been touched by them, these names they will never forget (: All they did was allowed God to do His will in their lives and look at how many children now have homes that they know are safe to go home to, or elderly who now know they can have a bed to rest on or just men and women who can live in a place where they will be cared for (: God is truly an awesome God!
[By the way, i'm flying on the 28th of Feb instead (:]
Love God, love others, that's all (: